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Immigration News September 12, 2014


W.H. talks immigration with Latino lawmakers


Obama will allegedly take action on immigration according to a a pledge made to latino law makers.

The president intends to go “as far as he can under the law” to alter the policy after the midterm elections,

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Support drops for ‘path to citizenship’ for illegal immigrants

Support for immigration legislation that offers undocumented residents a path to citizenship has fallen from 64 percent in April to 53 percent this month, found a Wall Street Journal/NBC poll released Wednesday.Federal Officials Propose Texas Immigration Lockup
Fed propose a new immigration detention center in South Texas for families as a response to the increase in young immigrants.
S.F. Moves to Provide $2 Million for Lawyers for Immigrant Kids – S.F. Chronicle  The city’s is considering a request for $2.1 million to pay for lawyers to represent immigrant children facing deportation.
The Expensive Business Of Immigration Detention In The U.S. – International Business Times  “But detention is also expensive, costing an estimated $164 a day per detainee. A large chunk of that money goes to the private prison companies that operate more than half of the immigrant detention beds around the country. With at least 34,000 immigrants in detention every day, this cost amounts to more than $2 billion in taxpayer funds every year.”
Texas schools pressed to accommodate influx of young immigrants – Los Angeles Times  States that have huge numbers of immigrant children such as  California to Maryland to hire staff and add bilingual programs and social services to accommodate them.